Freelance Expert Interview


  • Biotech Advisor
  • 25-year experience
  • 3 years as a freelancer
  • Spain
  • Could you explain us your background  & where you coming from ? 🎓

I had been CScO & CEO of more than 15 biotech/pharma companies during last 25 years. Leading its evolution from very small company to medium company, and in two cases incorporating that companies in the public market.

  • Could you please let us know more about your expertise, your day-to-day activity as a freelancer in this expertise ? 💎

I’m involved in the board of directors or in the advisory board of several biotech companies, some of them public companies.

  • Why did you decide to become a freelancer ? 😇

Because I can collaborate with entrepreneurs to develop faster its companies with lower risks, based on my large experience on this kind of companies. And I can know a diversity of interesting new projects.

  • What are the pros & cons  being a freelancer ? ⚖️

Pros basically you will know a large number of diverse companies, that stimulate so much my job.
Cons basically don’t have financial security.

  • What would you say to  someone hesitating becoming a healthcare industry freelancer ? 🤔

That is a huge marked searching talent continuously.

  • What is your feeling around healthcare  Clients openness  to freelancers ? 〽️

I think it is plenty open.

So much interesting.

  • How do you see  freelancing in healthcare industry in the near future ? 💫

It is a increasing market for sure.